Welcome to A3L

Based in Old Fort, North Carolina, The Arrowhead Artists and Artisans League (A3L) is a 501(c)(3) and North Carolina non-profit corporation dedicated to promoting the arts in the Old Fort and surrounding communities, providing education in the arts to the citizens and visitors of Old Fort; ensuring local artist and artisans have opportunities to display their skills and work; and preserving the art of the area for future generations.

Want to learn more about us? Please visit the About A3L page.

77 Catawba Avenue, Old Fort, NC 28762


Summer Hours (starting April 1):
Tuesday thru Thursday 1 to 5
Friday and Saturday 11 to 7
Sunday 12 to 6
Closed Mondays

Winter Hours:
We are currently under sonstruction and only open for classes and events.

“Every child is an artist; the problem is staying an artist when you grow up” – Pablo Picasso

What’s Happening?

Announcing Our First Show in Our New Space…


The sparkle crystal elegance of winter. The many shades of blues in the snow. The rainbows shooting out from an icicle when it’s caught a sunbeam. Capture the beauty and serenity of the season in your medium!

Join us in early February. For details and information, follow the Winter Prospectus link.

Progress Continues!

Building Materials Purchased: @$15,000

Hours of Labor Donated:@ 2000 hrs

Nails Driven: Thousands

Gallons of Paint Dispersed: @25

Number of Times Things Have Been Moved Inside the Building: At least 10 times

Yards of Wire Pulled: Lots!

Classes Taught in New Space So Far: 5

Support of Our Members and Community: Priceless!