Classes and Workshops

We are excited to have our classes and workshops up and running again in our new space! To help streamline things for our students and instructors, we are utilizing an online registration system from Sawyer. This system allows you to register and pay before the class and immediately sets up opportunities for you and your instructor to communicate. A3L members, remember to use your MEMBER$10 discount when registering. As we transition, if you have questions about registering or paying for your class or workshop, please email us at

Our Class Offerings…

Arrowhead Gallery and Studios is pleased to offer ongoing 8 week classes in Pottery and Ceramics, as well as one and two-day project-focused workshops in Drawing, Painting, Glass, Basketry, and other mediums. Clay classes are prorated, you can join a semester anytime. We will be continually adding new classes in every medium so check back often!

To register for Classes and Workshops please scroll down to the new online registration platform. We are still learning the software so please excuse any kinks with the interface.

If you need help, using the online system, click HERE.

Teach with Us:

Our clay studio is finally up and running! Perseverance! If you would like to teach with us please fill out the google form here. Our clay guide Molly Morningglory will be in touch with you. We are also looking for Studio Assistants. Come work with us! Please email her at

If you would like to teach with us in another medium, please complete the class proposal found on the button below. Check out our CALENDAR of EVENTS to see available dates. Our instructional team will be in touch!

Our Policies:

If the minimum number of students signing up for a workshop is not met, the instructor has the choice of holding the workshop or cancelling. If cancelled, the workshop fee can be refunded or may be applied towards another workshop. Arrowhead Gallery and Studios follows the McDowell County School system for weather-related closures and cancellations.

"A true artist is not one who is inspired; but one who inspires others." -Salvador Dali

Private Group Classes

Birthdays, GNO, Bachelorette, Family Reunions, etc.
Imagine how much fun it will be for the group to take a class together!
Lots of classes to choose from that are available days, nights & weekends